March 14, 2008

or else it gets the hose again

Dude. Did anybody notice that the woman who played the victim who gets saved at the end of silence of the lambs is now playing an assholey surgeon on grey's anatomy?

Sketch. I can't not think of her in that role.


March 5, 2008

Let's talk about THIS

Things of which I'm tired:

-The Tyra Banks show. I keep watching it because it's better than the judge shows
-The several hours of judge shows on network tv. Didn't mind them for a couple of days, but after the same 3 or 4 stories about 25 times, I realized how depressing they are. Why are there so many? Where is this demand coming from?
-Vocational school commercials. Yes I KNOW a medical assistant makes more money than I do, especially since I'm unemployed. But for the love of god, I'm trying to be a vet, which will make more money than all of those because it requires more freaking EDUCATION so please, give me a break.
-TV in general
-Cover letters

-Job ads. I love you Chicago Reader but if I have to see that green and yellow one more time I swear I might throw up.

-Fucking job application forms
-Personality profiles (they only do those in job applications for big dumb corporationss like caribou coffee and petco and ... yes, I've stooped that low. I was rejected by whole foods and I don't even BELIEVE in whole foods!) [read: I don't even BELIEVE in jebus!]

Anyhow I've been here about 4.5 weeks and only had 1 week of work and I'm starting to get freaked out (and please don't think I'm not trying; I'm registered with - count them - 6 temp agencies not to mention the normal jobs I've applied for). I don't know what else to say.

I miss my NYC friends, more than I anticipated. I miss you friends. I hope things are great. I'm having a tough time (but to be fair, other than money things have gone incredibly smoothly). Please pray to whomever or yourself that I'll get some steady work soon. I'm even praying: "Dear whomever or me, please let me get some steady work soon. Okay done."