March 19, 2007

Dental p.s.

I guess it's a result of being invisible for so many years that I maintain a quasi-subconscious fear that I don't exist, or maybe just don't exist enough. When the airport toilet doesn't auto-flush after I stand up it really freaks me out.

I've been working and working on my self-validation skills but still.

So now, despite the fact that I was sobbing in extreme pain last night, since I haven't had a relapse of that intensity since then, I have this feeling that I'll go the endodontist and he'll dismiss me, like, "why are you whining? there's nothing wrong."

-No, Maybe Girl, you did your research, all the information says the same thing; if there's a lot of pain, there's a problem, call the doctor right away.
-But I've been pretty much pain-free all night. Maybe I was blowing it out of proportion.
-Remember? You may blow some things out of proportion, but physical pain has never been one of them.

Okay. Damn. Time to go. Guess I'll see what happens.


BionicChick3 said...

I totally blog rolled you on my blog. WHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE..... I am going to try to blog today...But, I've been in song writing mood as of late....AND VERY internal about my emotions.... Huhm. I'm also ticked that I never wrote about the labor rally I attended. Oh, well. :o) Hope all is well!

BionicChick3 said...

And how is this pain now??