It could be political. It would most certainly be economic and social. They're too much entangled. Infuriation. Too much effort, too much destruction for this moment. We only just got me calmed down (thank you my dear).
I guess the most disembodied feeling was brought on by seeing hearing smelling dust from the hardest tissue in my body floating away in tiny particles toward the light they were using to see into my mouth. Go toward the light, little granules of enamel! You smell weird and wrong - go toward the light! And don't forget to tell jesus I'm coming. Good thing the doctor and his assistant had protective glasses on. That'd be like tiny shards of glass, or something - getting in your eyes, your lungs, your nose. I'm practically choking just thinking of it. Well, they're the ones who have to clean the tools afterward, not me. If it's such damned hard tissue why isn't it holding up as well as my bones? My heart, liver, kidneys, even! All fine!They're exposed to bacteria, too, or...some..other...bad..stuff..or..whatever.
Not unhappily disembodied, though. Novocaine a godsend, a reprieve from pain which would only worsen in the coming days (and let me tell you, that's not what's supposed to happen). At least HE explained what the fuck was going on.
Humorous too, because I've never used a dental dam, not until my root canal. Kinky. They poked a little hole in it and trapped it around that one tooth so it'd stay dry. And I thought, this is interesting.
But really, now, what boggles my mind is the outs they constantly give themselves. I mean, come ON, health care professionals are supposed to be trustworthy, infallible! Just like church leaders. Oh. (again, thanks a bunch mom. also thanks larry for the crappy teeth.)
So that he has an out when I see him later and say, it's these waves of the sharpest of pain, coursing through my jaw into my face, my head, my neck. White-hot-white-cold fire, it's waves that give me the chills, I break out immediately in a cold sweat, it's I can't hold still kind of pain. It's if this lasted 10 seconds longer I'd head for the emergency room kind of pain. Yeah. He'll say, oops! I guess we missed some. Happens all the time. Oh well.
It's oh well to him and to me it's two days of a lot of seething, crying, trying to continue to breathe, lying around but not feeling rested, anticipating the new set of surges when I get the hint of pain, almost a tickle (one full of terror), that precedes it.
I could be just a baby, learn to deal with it, life is hard blah blah blah. Pema Chodron's Buddhist 'leaning into the sharp points.' No, you know what? Ask anybody who knows me reasonably well. I can handle an awful lot of pain before it really gets to me. In some cases I enjoy pain, court it. This? This at its worst was, no question, a 10. This shit was leaning into ME. Running me through, more like. Yeah, see? There's a mark where my ribs meet, and in the middle of my back - run clear through -