November 2, 2006

Radio Silent

I suppose it's something to say that I honestly considered spending my lunch break today crouched in a ball under my desk. Something to say, but still true.

It's also something to say that I shouldn't blog because it probably makes whoever reads it really unhappy. and it's also not at all funny. Fuck expressiveness.

I wonder if you could core a person the way you core an apple. Not long-wise, but sagittally a big round part of the chest. Sort of like what it looked like when the Terminator got shot, but before he regenerated himself. I would like to do that because it's so fucking heavy, my chest is so tight and stuck and it makes me feel like vomiting. I need some lightness and air down in there.

Because "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out." But can you do that with personalities? I'm very very offended by myself.

[literary reference to the bible, or some other scripture I'm not sure]

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