March 9, 2007

Sinking-Feeling-Smile Sandwich

Mason Jennings, the total shift of tone and pace in the song, the riff the intensity the harmonics followed by the mellow quiet and he sings, slowly,

"You know loving me is not enough...
(moment of quiet + guitar)
I know future is as future does..."

Courtesy of my 3-year old nephew Tommy:
Knock knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange I didn't glad to say poop?
(I made him tell it over and over until I could memorize his grammar.)

Courtesy of Bee Season by Myra Goldberg:
"...Though Aaron can identify a few Hebrew words, his knowledge of the language is largely limited to the ability to parse letters...there's no way for him to know he's welcoming in the Sabbath bride as the English translation claims. For all he knows, the entire congregation could be chanting
Green Eggs and Ham.

"Aaron is still musing over his Dr. Seuss realization when he remembers his father's early lessons in consumer consciousness. Ever since Saul dissected a Snoopy Cone Machine commercial for Aaron at age seven, Aaron has been aware of the manipulative powers of advertising. "Never buy a product just because you've seen it on TV," Saul instructed at an age at which recognizing characters on cereal boxes made leaving aisle three empty-handed tantamount to abandoning a friend. As a result, Aaron has grown to mid-adolescence with an eye for label reading. It is at the service's completion, while munching on an oneg cookie, that Aaron realizes he's bought Judaism without consulting the side of the box."
[I feel I can say the same, with different details.]

1 comment:

ipj said...

I love that book.