November 19, 2007

Because I am apparently not smart enough to customize blogger to its full extent, here is a picture of my face all fucked up in photoshop. I tried to put it behind the header but it made it all wonky.

I feel grumpy because tonight was designated for a Lily photoshoot for my holiday card but I didn't do it right and the film got messed up and I even went all the way to the pharmacy to get a special battery and this nice latina dyke went out of her way to help me find it and all but I didn't want to go back for more film just because I'm a medium idiot for ruining the first roll. and all I have is little sister's point and shoot 35mm which she handed down after buying a digital for her special time in PA.

Damn it. Lily is too fat. The vet told me so. Which has led to her being hungry since I'm feeding her less and making an absolute fool of myself multiple times a day to make her race me down the block instead of the usual leisurely stroll. She is a fussbucket but every morning we have special Lily & mama time sitting on the couch. I drink my coffee and eat my breakfast and she sits on my lap trying to drink my coffee. But not if it's too hot.

In other news there's not much other news because I can't seem to make myself do even simple things I need to do. Stupid, difficult me.

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