May 11, 2007

Hm. I guess I haven't felt like blogging lately but I've been thinking a whole lot, about a whole lot of stuff. But I guess I do that all the time.

Anyhow I've been pretty sick for three weeks now, in a way where I can avoid symptoms by not eating solid foods, so I'm functional but hungry and irritable. My grandfather died last week and I went to Utah for a couple of days. Had a random and frustrating neck problem, went to a chiropractor (which I've never been before but I needed immediate relief to get through the trip to Salt Lake), and it's resolving itself nicely. My apartment smells bad because of my dog and my dog smells bad - I thought the roommate who was watching her while I was gone had quit smoking, but aparently not quite. I don't like my dog smelling like cigarette smoke. But I like my dog. Got to do something about the fucking rug, though. I know how to keep her from peeing on it but my roommates can't be bothered to go along with it and she's used to peeing on it now, so. Ew. Doin my best.

1 comment:

rachel said...

Still sick, Sissy? Did you go to the specialist yet?