March 15, 2007

Big Families = no no NO!

Hey I think every person who reads this blog was needing to know this so I'll tell you:

It's not okay when parents have so many goddamned children (maybe 7) that communication becomes a grade school game of gossip, even in important situations such as what could be (or could have been) a life-threatening illness of one of the parents.

!!! those !'s are code for my furrowed brow and my indignant petulant feelings. (But thanks to Sissie for telling me, I'd never have known!)

Give me a fucking break, Diane! After 40 years of parenting, you still don't realize this is a problem?

And also bitchety bitch bitch bitch about x and y and z, blah blah yeah george you know the story. I don't mean to undermine myself it's just that I'm such a whinerbaby. WTF.

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